
The School of Life – Moving from His-story to true-story

Setting sail on new adventures requires losing sight of the shore and the safe space of the ‘known’. Those who take those leaps of faith into the unknown are rewarded through a rich experience of the tapestry of the School of Life.

It is through these experiences that we have the profound realisation that we know nothing at all and that the informed history and knowledge enforced onto us through traditional educational systems is flawed and compromised.

In the resulting spirit of humility and philosophical equanimity we can begin anew and start to ‘see the world through the eyes of a child’. We suspend judgement and thus begin to live our true-story as opposed to simply repeating His-story. This is where true learning emerges, from our own observations and within the telling of stories between one another as living men and women of the living soil.

Ancient Futures festival is a gathering for these explorers, of those who take leaps of faith into the unknown, of those who do not just believe what they are told by institutions. The Saturday of the gathering will be focused on the element of Air and the dynamic transmission of ideas and ideation, so providing a platform for participants to journey together into a consideration of what an education based on the School of Life looks and feels like.

In a world that supports an en mass constriction of our senses and priorities Ancient Futures hopes to offer a powerful resolve; for those choosing to face the future with an armament of empowerment, knowledge, traditional and solutions.

What better way to seek the truth, advance your future, combine your collective consciousness and revel with like minded travellers, professionals and festival goers alike.


1 Comment
  1. Nina 7 years ago

    Yes, to see the world with eyesof a child – is a realization for a new path of humanity – the one of consiouse divine co-creation! The key tool is ability to step forward to the UNKNOWN – that means total trust to the divine living deep inside us as our inner sacred wisdom! It is real beginging of our true inner and outer journey! Really finging like minded and like hearted people and co-creation for a new fumane future is the destined way. Best wishes for the festival – to all the people who have couradge to move forward to the unknown

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