vaccines – GMO – geoengeneering – 5G – synthetic medicine
immortality – spirit over the water – health science innovation
International Speakers & Panelists
Jim Humble

Regarded by millions around the world as a living legend, Jim is regarded as being reponsible for saving countless lives over the past two decades. He is famous for exposing the chlorine dioxide miracle molecule (also known as MMS) and continues to advocate for human health sovereignty as our civilisational source-code
Sean Stone

Sean Stone brings an insatiable curiosity coupled with an academic’s approach to finding the basic truths behind every story. Sean has a diverse and deep knowledge of world history, esoteric thought and beliefs, monetary systems and world banking as well as firsthand knowledge of the Middle East and Islamic culture
Laura Uplinger

Laura Uplinger is a pioneering educator in the field of conscious pre-conception and regarded by many is the seminal voice in prenatal and perinatal parenting. For over 30 years she has conducted workshops, keynoted symposiums, conferences and forums across the globe in this critical arena
Edward Griffin

Edward Griffin is the author of The Creature from Jekyll Island; A Second Look at The Federal Reserve and World without Cancer; The Story of Vitamin B17. He is Founder of Freedom Force International and Chairman of The Red Pill Expo
Carla Bate

Carla Bate is a Director and Co-Founder of Immortalis Klotho Formula (IKF), the world’s most advanced reverse-aging formula designed by Dr. Marco Ruggiero, MD, PhD. Carla stands in the possibility that we can live 150+ years in optimum health, pain & disease free by targeting the anti-aging gene Klotho using a novel revolutionary approach based on a combination of microbiome medicine, genetics & epigenetics.
Jeffrey Smith

Jeffrey Smith is the world’s foremost pioneer and researcher on the subject of GMO’s. He is the author of the best-selling book ‘Seeds of Deception’ – responsible for triggering worldwide condemnation of Monsanto’s systemic poisoning of people and the earth. He is a speaker, author, researcher and reform advocate
Nancy Ash
Russell Simmons

The Godfather of Hip Hop and motivational icon in the emergent planetary yoga & consciousness community.
Russell Wendell Simmons is an American entrepreneur, record executive, writer, and film producer. He is chairman and CEO of Rush Communications, co-founded the hip-hop music label Def Jam Recordings, and created the clothing fashion lines Phat Farm, Argyleculture, and Tantris.
Dr. Jeff Levin

Dr Levin is founder of Life Alignment and internationally renowned healer and world authority in the field of Energy Medicine. Life Alignment is a leader in the burgeoning field of Energy Medicine. Rooted in the disciplines of quantum physics, neuroscience, biology and spiritual development
Maya Muchtar

Ibu Maya Muchtar is a highly respected ayurvedic teacher and practitioner based in Indonesia. She is also an ardent campaigner and advocate for human rights and citizen diplomacy. She lives and practices between Java and Bali
Dr. Sandra R. Michael

Dr. Michael’s research in applied integrative biophysics has earned her global respect for creation of the scalar energy medicine modality the EESystem. She has lectured at the United Nations, MIT, the Harvard Club, and many other conferences, medical schools and ministries of health worldwide. Bio-Scalar EESystem technology has been publicized by media outlets like CNN, Fox News, The Doctors, the WSJ and many more.
Dr. Robert O. Young

Dr. Robert Oldham Young is one of the world’s most accomplished health science innovators and practitioners. He has appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show and developed methods and products which routinely treat and cure complex health conditions. Targeted by rogue elements within the US medical establishment he is an ITNJ Judicial Commission Expert Witness
Sacha Stone

Sacha Stone is an artist, activist, film-maker, writer and publisher. He is founder of Humanitad, NewEarth Project & the International Tribunal for Natural Justice. He lives between London and the NewEarth Haven in Bali. He is producer and moderator of the World Health Sovereignty Summit
Dr. Galina Migalko

Dr. Migalko is the world’s leading practitioner in non-invasive, non-radioactive diagnostic treatment and early detection of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, metabolic acidosis, circulatory and lymphatic issues, infertility, and other preventable and treatable health challenges
Thomas J Brown

Thomas J Brown is a scientific philosopher, lecturer, author and inventor. Director of the Science & Technology faculty of the NewEarth University and resident at the Bali NewEarth Haven. He conducts workshops and ongoing scientific, mathematical and philosophical research in multiple fields
Dr. Sue Grey

Dr Sue Grey is a New Zealand specialist in environmental law, resource allocation and management, public law, conflicts, and RF EMR law.
Sue has led complex litigation and negotiated substantial settlements for many clients.
Sue enjoys working on emerging issues with multidisciplinary teams to achieve robust and practical outcomes.
Janie Rayne

Janie is highly respected international theatrical producer and photographer. She is also a Trustee of the International Tribunal for Natural Justice.
Imani Mamalution

Director of the Red Pill Expo & Red Pill University.
Imani has maximized social media platforms and teaches others how to “humanize technology” by building authentic relationships with potential clients and business partnerships. Imani is currently co-creating a worldwide educational platform that is the vehicle for her to achieve her life long dream: activating millions of people towards global consciousness.
Chief Sylvestre Gnakale

Chief Gnakale bloodline that has been preserving the spiritual, cultural, and philosophical aspects of our tradition; the sacred knowledge that is being preserved and passed down from generation to generation by my ancestors until the western civilisation arrived on my land. As a traditional Chief, it is my duty, my life mission to restore and protect that culture
Judicial Commission Board
Sir John Walsh

ITNJ Chief Justice Sir John Walsh of Brannagh is a human rights advocate and constitutional lawyer of international standing. He is founding Chief Justice to the International Tribunal for Natural Justice and presides over the Court and it’s Judicial Commissions
Chris Cleverly

Dr Cleverly is a barrister and leading advocate for human-rights, social justice and law reform. He is Associate Justice to the International Tribunal for Natural Justice. He travels extensively lecturing and promoting African issues on the international stage
Sacha Stone

Sacha Stone is an artist, activist, film-maker, writer and publisher. He is founder of Humanitad, NewEarth Project & the founder and trustee emeritus International Tribunal for Natural Justice. He is producer and moderator of the ITNJ Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Weaponisation of the Biosphere.
Bishop Riah

His Grace Bishop Riah Abu El Assal is the former Anglican Bishop of Jerusalem and an internationally renowned advocate for human rights and interfaith fellowship. He is a Commissioner for Truth & Reconciliation with the International Tribunal for Natural Justice

Hosted by Humanitad at NewEarth Haven in Bali

June 19th – 25th
presents the
a 3-day immersive symposium
June 20th – 22nd
culminating in a 2-day seating of the
Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Weaponisation of the Biosphere
June 23rd – 24th

The World Health Sovereignty Summit
is an international Call-to-Action!
It invites all people of the world
to step out of indentureship and ignorance
in matters relating to human health and wellness
and begin to challenge systemic evils of rogue agencies
and special interests putting profit before people
Governments will do the bidding of the people
but only when people of the world
reclaim health sovereignty
and make demands
Sign the Universal Health SovereigntyTreaty
and stop over-reaching Government
and Big Pharma crimes